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The military is made of five branches: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine corps, Navy, and the Marines. 


Why should I go into the military? 

Many students wonder if they should join the military right after high school. Entering the military does not preclude a college degree, but it defers college entry and provides significant financial benefits for students during and after military service. Specifically, all military service members are eligible for tuition assistance while on active duty or in the Reserves. The Federal Government and most states also offer support programs for Veterans such as home loan guarantees, Small Business Loans, Health Care, and more.


How can I qualify to be in the military? 

 There are different rules for enlisting and for officer programs. Enlisting: Enlisted members do the hands-on work of the military. They need at least a high school degree (a GED may or may not suffice). Officer: Officers are the managers of the military. Most officer programs require a college degree at minimum, and are very competitive. Before you visit your local recruiter, be sure you meet the minimum qualifications for serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Some qualifications are required by all five services: You must be a U.S. citizen or resident alien, at least 17 years old (17-year old applicants require parental consent), have a high school diploma (with very few exceptions) and pass a physical medical exam.


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Military Academies

Military academies or service academy (private school) is an educational institution which prepares candidates for service in the officer corps. Attending a military academy provides a great structure and helps build their students into great future role models. 


Why should I consider a military academy?  

The service academies are federal institutions that provide an undergraduate education and train future commissioned officers for service in the United States Armed Forces. Applying to a Military Service Academy is a rigorous, highly-competitive, and lengthy process only for the most determined and qualified candidates. Students pay no tuition while at a service academy, but they are required to serve in the military upon graduation. Cadets and midshipmen will receive a small stipend while attending an academy as well as free room and board. 


What are the requirements to apply for a military academy?  

To be eligible to apply, you must meet the following initial requirements:

Be a United States citizen, unmarried with no dependents and be at least the age of 17, but less than 23 years of age by July 1st of the year you would enter the academy, and must meet rigid scholastic and medical qualifications. All candidates (except those interested in the United States Coast Guard Academy) must secure a CongressionaÅ‚ nomination. See your counselor for application procedures. 



The Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) is the best opportunity for you to get invaluable experience while still in school. When enrolled in ROTC you learn and develop leadership skills and prepare for a career in the U.S. Military. You will learn first-hand what it takes to lead others, motivate groups and how to conduct missions.


Why should I consider ROTC? 

 First and foremost, ROTC offers preparation to become an officer in the military, including the United States Army or Air Force. By participating in ROTC concurrently with your college education, you can enter the reserves or active duty forces with advanced ranking. Additionally, ROTC provides money for college tuition. Because of this, many students choose ROTC as a way to combine their sense of purpose and duty with a way to pay for their college education.


Reserve Officers' Training Corps is a college-based, officer commissioning program designed as a college elective that focuses on leadership development, problem solving, strategic planning, and professional ethics. ROTC produces officers in all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces except the U.S. Coast Guard. ROTC scholarships are competitive and merit-based scholarships, often covering full tuition for college in exchange for extended periods of active military service, usually up to 8 years depending upon the level of support. Additional scholarships for books and fees are also available through ROTC.


What are the ROTC admission requirements?

 GPA 2.5+/ SAT 920+ (math and verbal)/ ACT 19+ (excluding writing) Pass a fitness test • Undergo a thorough medical examination Note: Students must apply to both the college AND the ROTC program for that college. Students are generally in line with the mainstream student population with the exception of the required hair length, one to two days a week of "uniform days" with some sort of military training or extra class scheduled after normal class hours, and one to three physical training sessions are required in a week. 


Army, Navy, Marine and Air Force ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) ROTC enables college students to earn an academic degree in their major, as well as an officer's commission at the same time. When your obligatory service is completed, you can select a military career or leave the service for a civilian career. Those who elect to stay may qualify to pursue graduate studies at government expense. For information, contact your counselor in your junior year. 


Four-Year ROTC Program consists of a two- year Basic Course (two hours per week) and a two-year Advanced Course (four hours per week). Advanced students receive $100 per month during the school year. A six-week Advanced Training camp is held in the summer between the junior and senior years. For more information, call the nearest ROTC unit or a local recruiter. 


Two-Year ROTC Program is designed specifically for community college graduates and students at four-year colleges who were unable to take ROTC during their first two years. Selected students must successfully complete a six-week summer program prior to their junior year. 


Enlisting in the Military Student chooses the branch of military and contacts them directly. The enlisted soldier receives is a salary which varies depends on rank, qualifications and combat status. They also get housing, food and medical benefits in exchange for their service. Education benefits, including the Montgomery GI Bill and a number of other programs, are also available to help pay for schooling after a time in service. 



Qualified young men and women have a wide choice of assignments and guaranteed training, free room and board, and an opportunity for travel. Salaries start at approximately $1.000 a month, benefits include 30 days paid vacation, complete medical and dental coverage. The criteria to qualıfy are becoming more selective. High school graduation is particularly important. Contact a local recruiter for more information. 



All reserve enlistment programs require active duty time, recruit training, and technical schooling in a military specialty or occupation. The active duty period varies among the different branches (Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines). All programs are open to enlistees 17 years of age. Enlistment offices are listed in the telephone directory under United States Government. 


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